Monday, December 30, 2019
Army Special Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) - 2S
Army Special Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) - 2SArmy Special Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) - 2Sa. Description of positions. Identifies positions requiring soldiers trained to serve as a Battle Staff NCO and manage the day-to-day operations of corps, division, regiment, group, brigade, battalion and squadron command posts. b. Qualifications. Must successfully complete one of the following courses at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy, Ft Bliss, TX (1) The Battle Staff Noncommissioned Officer Course (BSNCOC).(2) The resident Sergeants Major Course (SMC) with a USASIGC graduation date after Aug 95. (3) The BSNCOC at Ft McCoy, WI for Reserve Component only. c. Restrictions. For use with any MOS at SL 3 and above. This code will be used for G1/S1, G2/S2, G3/S3, or G4/S4 positions in battalion, squadron, brigade, group, regiment, division or Corps level TOE units and Active Readiness Group NCO Advisor positions and instructor po sitions for BSNCOC and Sergeants Major Course (SMC) . Use of this skill identifier with any other position in authorization documents re quires prior approval from Commandant, United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, ATTN ATSS-B, Ft Bliss, TX 79918-8002.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Marine Corps Food Service Specialist MOS 3381
Marine Corps Food Service Specialist MOS 3381Marine Corps Food Service Specialist MOS 3381If youre interested in a job as a food tafelgeschirr specialist in the Marines, rest assured youll be doing more than peeling potatoes. It is an important job in the armed services Marines (and soldiers, sailors, and airmen) wont get very far without being properly fed. Food service specialists, which are military occupational specialty (MOS) 3381, are involved in every aspect of food preparation from procurement to storage and distribution, in both garrison and field environments. Their duties extend to funding, requisitioning, purchasing, receiving, accounting, and storing food supplies, along with of course cooking, baking, and serving. Marine food service specialists could potentially be stationed anywhere the Marine Corps has a need. All Marines need to eat, so wherever there are Marines deployed, a food service specialist could possibly be sent there as well. Food Service SpecialistDuti es Since theyre likely to spend time in the field, an important part of the food service specialist job is quality control and assurance, making sure the food is kept in sanitary and safe conditions. Like a sous chef at a restaurant or a line cook at a diner, the day-to-day responsibilities of this job include preparing fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, and poultry as well as baked goods. While theres likely to be a potato or two in the mix, clearly this is a job for someone who knows their way around a kitchen. The food service specialist also keeps track of supply levels, making sure there is enough food on hand, and for conducting quality assurance evaluations. The most senior grades of food service specialists act as administrative assistants to the food service officer or food service operations officer. Qualifying As a Marine Food Service Specialist To qualify for this job, a Marine needs a general technical (GT) score of 90 or higher on the Armed Services Vocational Apt itude Battery (ASVAB) test. Theyll need to complete the basic food services course, or complete a minimum of six months of on-the-job training as a food service specialist. All courses are taught at U.S. Army Quartermaster School in Fort Lee, Virginia. Food service specialists work closely with food service officers (MOS 3302) but have different responsibilities. Food service officers are tasked with overseeing the organization and planning end of the Marine Corps kitchen operations, which includes budgeting and coordinating the food service and subsistence program as well as all the logistics involved. If the food service specialist is the sous chef of the kitchen, then the food service officer is like the executive chef who calls the shots and keeps the organization running smoothly Anyone who aspires to the food service officer job must first serve as a food service specialist or as a Marine aide (MOS 3372). The job of Marine aide functions as a personal assistant to general and flag officers, helping with small tasks and other details.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Professional Editing Services for Aspiring Authors
Professional Editing Services for Aspiring AuthorsProfessional Editing Services for Aspiring AuthorsThevorwort departmentof a traditional publisher performs a variety of tasks in service of a well-structured and well-edited book.But to get your book in front of that publisher in the first place, youll need to put your best pages forward. The best way to ensure that your manuscript reads well is to make sure it is free of grammatical errors and typos, and sometimes it pays to have another set of eyes to make sure that is the case. When to Consider Freelance Editorial Services Programs like Grammarly are really sophisticated, and, for a monthly fee, you can get some really in-depth feedback on your writing (a free version helps with spelling, grammar, etc). But there are a couple of scenarios for which should consider hiring expert freelance editorial help. If yourelooking for a literary agentto place your book witha major trade publisherand you suspect your writing skills could us e some assistance, or you need developmental editing (that is, a pro to talk you about the flow of your material)If you havedecided to self-publish a book(especially if you arewriting a book to market your businessor for some other professional platform), youll want to ensure your book is just as well-edited as if youd had it published by a traditional publisher. If you need a specialized editorial service, such as translation or indexing Many self-publishing services offer editorial options for additional fees. But if you have connections to editorial freelancers (or know people who do), or if you dont mind doing the research, you might save money or have more quality control if you hire editorial freelancers yourself. What to Pay for Freelance Editorial Services The rates for freelance editorial services will vary, sometimes dramatically, depending on where you live, how quickly the work is expected to be done, or the experience level of the freelancer. To give you a rough ide a of what the costs might be, here are some general ranges for some of the major freelance editorial services. Of course, with your rough manuscript or project description in-hand, an experienced freelancer will be able to give you a close estimate of what the total for their services would be. Research If you need preliminary research before you start writing your book, expect to pay approximately $45 to $80 per hour, depending on the complexity of the project and the qualifications of the researcher. Ghostwriting Ghostwriting costs vary widely, depending on the reputation and relevant writing experience of the ghostwriter and what the parameters of the absprache are. That said, the cost of ghostwriting a book can range from a few cents a word to $2 a word- some ghostwriters command well into the five-figures and beyond. Successful ghostwriting is a collaborative and highly subjective experience, it is best to deal with a reputable ghostwriting agency or a literary service who can provide you with a solid contract and give you guidelines of what to expect. Co-Writing The process of hiring a paid co-writer is very similar to hiring a ghostwriter but, as a co-writer generally gets credit, that is, his or her name on thebook jacket, the parameters and structure of the deal are generally different (upfront advances vs. royalties, etc.). Transcription If you are an author who prefers to record his or her ideas in the spoken word, youll need to get your manuscript transcribed into text. If you go this route, you can expect to pay more in editing fees to develop the book to make your words and ideas flow properly in text format. The cost of transcription generally runs between $3 and $5 per page. Translation Translators generally dienstgrad by the word. If you are translating your book from one language to another, you can generally expect to pay between $.20 and $.50 per word at a speed of 300 to 500 words an hour, depending on the complexity of the text and the translator. Developmental Editing The developmental editor helps shape the manuscript.A freelance developmental editor can charge anywhere from $50 to $80 per hour. Line Editing In a traditional publishing house, the editor who acquired your book would generally do the line editing. If you hire a freelance editor to do the line editing for your book, expect to pay approximately $50 to $60 an hour. Copyediting Copyediting can cost anywhere from $30 to $50 per hour, and you can figure two to 10 manuscript pages per hour, depending on how heavy or light the copyediting need. Proofreading After all the heavy lifting of editing is done, proofreading assures that no typos remain its a critical part of the quality control process, helping to ensure a good experience for the reader. Proofreaders generally charge between $30 and $35 per hour. Indexing Non-fiction books generally have indexes in the back, so the specific subject matter can be easily found . Even traditional publishers charge back their authors for book indexing (it comes out of their royalties). If youre hiring an indexer, expect to pay about $35 to $65 per hour for indexing an average book will cost several hundred dollars to index.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
5 Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid
5 Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid5 Cover Letter Mistakes to AvoidIf you are familiar with filling out job applications, you are probably wondering if writing a professional titelseite letter is even necessary. Online job applications have been killing off titelblatt letters for years. But companies still ask for them, so you should know these cover letter mistakes to avoid.1. Spelling mistakes and poor grammarThis always tops the list of what not to put in a cover letter. There are apps like Grammar.lythat help to point out spelling and grammar errors or at least warn you when something needs checking.Get a professional colleague or English teacher to scrutinize your grammar. The extra pair of eyes to check your work will help you avoid any common cover letter mistakes.Poor grammar and spelling are one of the biggest cover letter mistakes to avoid. Why? Your grammar and spelling are indicative of your level of written, verbal, and communications skills.2. Covering topics that make oth ers uncomfortableAt your last job, you may have had some uncomfortable scenarios that required an amazing effort on your part. Still, writing about uncomfortable situations is a common cover letter mistake you want to avoid.For example, a Vice President at an insurance company sets up a claims processing unit due to a hurricane that costs billions of dollars in property loss. She dealt with an overwhelming amount of work under very sensitive circumstances. It welches a PR disaster because her office denied hundreds of claims and it made the news. As a professional, she handled it with grace and professionalism.The example above is a true story. If it made you uncomfortable, perhaps you feel why writing about it is a cover letter mistake to avoid. Keep the uncomfortable stories of trials and tribulations out of the professional cover letter. Stick to brief facts and numbers.3. Making it all about you and no one elseOne of the best pieces of career advice I received for writing a prof essional cover letter was thisInstead of writing about, Here I am write about There you areA common cover letter mistake is to write all about you and what you do. That is definitely what NOT to put in a cover letter. The company reading your cover letter needs to know what you can do for them. They have your resume and know your experience already.4. Writing a professional cover letter and autobiographyA big cover letter mistake to avoid is writing a cover letter that turns into an autobiography. If you have more than a decades worth of work experience, at some point, the earlier experience becomes anecdotal. A job description of every single job you had since high school is too much.Everyone at some point in their career had an entry-level admin job, worked in a retail store, or flipped a burger. This all qualifies as what not to put on your cover letter. It is irrelevant career experience, especially if you are applying for six-figure jobs at a VP or director level.5. Starting wi th My name isThe simplest and most common cover letter mistake is using the first sentence to announce your name.My name is insert name and I am applying for the position of...Think about it Why announce your name when it appears on your resume, cover letter heading, most likely the file name attached in an email, and the email itself? It is really just a waste of cover letter realty, and if you have a limited amount of time before someone stops reading your cover letter, it is best to use that time and space wisely.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
How to Become a US Army 79R Recruiter
How to Become a US Army 79R RecruiterHow to Become a US Army 79R RecruiterWhether you had a good experience or bad experience with your Army recruiter, many members in the Army do consider to continue their Army career helping the Army recruit new members. Many want to make the process better and some want to emulate the first Army person that made an impact on their lives when they were in the recruiting process. Either way, the mission is the same and the Army needs good people to be recruiters. Do you think you might enjoy being an Army Recruiter? How can you prepare and apply for it? Purpose, Vision, Mission of Army Recruiting Command PurposeRecruit the strength of our Army VisionA team of proud professionals where all members understand the importance of sustaining The All-Volunteer Army for our Nation and are empowered and committed to doing their part to accomplish the recruiting mission.MissionRecruit Americas best volunteers to enable the Army to win in a complex world. What Is a U.S. Army Recruiter? In the U.S. Army, a Recruiter NCO is part of theAdjutant Generals Corps.His or her duties are described as Recruits qualified personnel for entry into the Army in accordance with applicable regulations, supervises recruiting and recruiting support activities. Recruiters may be skill level 3, 4, or 5. People working at skill level 3 are on the ground, working directly with young people who are interested in an Army career. At higher levels, Army recruiters are developing recruitment plans, managing programs, and making presentations. At skill level 3, recruiters work directly with potential soldiers. They conduct interviews, counsel potential recruits, and determine whether potential recruits are qualified for the U.S. Army.At skill level 4, recruiters are one step away from working directly with recruits, though they may do so from time to time. Instead, they work directly with skill level 3 recruiters, providing training and analyzing results.At skill level 5, recruiters develop training programs and outreach programs. They also analyze statistics, manage publications, and prepare enlistment reports. They may also evaluate and report on the work of recruiters in the field. What Is the Process for Becoming a Recruiter? According to the U.S. Army, most of its recruiters are on a three-year special duty assignment. Once their recruiting duties are over, they are reassigned back to their primary Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) job. Eligible Soldiers in the rank of Sergeant through Sergeant First Class can volunteer for recruiting duty if otherwise qualified. Soldiers who volunteer for recruiting duty have the option of selecting their priority of assignments under the assignment incentive program. The Army can also involuntarily select eligible Soldiers for this three-year special duty assignment. This is known as an A DA-selected Recruiter. The selection process starts with assignment managers at the Personnel Comma nd who review the personnel records of soldiers from all Army MOS(jobs). The best soldiers in each career field are nominated to be recruiters. The nominations are then sent to the field where each nominees immediate commander must verify that the soldier meets the high standards necessary to become an Army recruiter. There is a similar program for selecting exerzieren Sergeants. On average, around 1,000 Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO) per year are involuntarily selected for recruiting duty. However, there are some NCOs who are permanent recruiters. After 24 successful months of special duty recruiting, NCOs can volunteer to re-train into MOS 79R, Recruiter. Qualifications and Training Information Army Recruiting Course (ARC) 6 weeks, 4 days, at Fort Knox ASVAB Score Required 110 in aptitude area GT waivable to 100 with a score of 100 in aptitude ST. Security Clearance Yes - Secret Strength Requirement None Established Physical Profile Requirement 132221 Other Qualifications Fo rmal training (successful completion of the appropriate MOS 79R course conducted under the auspices of the Recruiting and Retention School) is mandatory. Other Requirements Cannot have had a bankruptcy within the past 5 years, cannot have current credit problemsMust have a high school diploma. Those with GEDs can qualify if they have at least 30 college credits (waivers possible)Soldiers in the rank of Sergeant must have less than 8 years time-in-service (TIS)Soldiers in the rank of Sergeant (Promotableor Staff Sergeants must have less than 12 years TISSoldiers in the rank of Staff Sergeant (Promotable) or Sergeant First Class must have less than 14 years TISMust be at least 21 years old, but not exceed 37 for SGT or 39 for SSG or SFC.
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Mystery of Cashier Duties Resume That No One Is Discussing
The Mystery of Cashier Duties Resume That No One Is Discussing Organizations are often inclined to work around school schedules for students and parents. In the majority of places, you will get training at work. Most positions provide a flexible schedule, and you can have the ability to choose the hours youre available to do the job. The Janitor position does not need a greater education as the majority of the training is carried out by the supervisor. Choosing Good Cashier Duties Resume The fundamental duties of a cashier also demand a high degree of efficiency and accuracy. Cashiers may also face some severe risks at work. They are responsible for maintaining the balance of their registry. The Cashier Duties Resume Trap A uniform plan should be in place for everybody to be on the exact saatkorn page. Youre going to want to consider the sort of work you honestly chance to be interested in being employed to finish. Among the absolute most vital design choices that migh t be produced on your continue is the font. So the conventional view here has some difficulties. The War Against Cashier Duties Resume From small to big-box retailers, you are going to come across employers which are hiring. Cashier plays very significant role in the area of banking. Also, tell the work seeker what you must provide new employees that cause you to stand apart from different companies. Cashier career paths can fluctuate. If you would like move up you are able to move into accounting position for an accountant, accountant supervisor etc by means of your education and experience. Consider your own work experience, and where you are able to quantify it. To begin with, you will probably steer clear of the job, because companies are therefore specific concerning the skill pieces they need to get. If youre searching for jobs as a cashier, you are going to want to remember tore utilizing the best job seeking skills. The Basic Facts of Cashier Duties Resume Its p ossible to advance to management after employed as a cashier, particularly in the event that you work for a national chain that provides a management training regime. Exactly like staffing, you will need to get dialed in to your companys wants and schedule the correct quantity of staff for any specific task. Then once you become interviewed, the manager will come your choice or you would visit the manager and he will just ask you a succession of questions. The position a manager holds is important in any firm. The Basics of Cashier Duties Resume You Will be Able to Learn From Starting Today Once you have reviewed our cashier job description samples and made a work listing for your enterprise, take some opportunity to examine our interview questions for cashiers. Such personnel are known as restaurant cashiers. Its simple to customize with key cashier job duties and obligations for your organization or retail shop. The duties and obligations of a cashier may extend beyond the lunchroom. The bank teller resume can help you develop your very own powerful resume. The right resume can help you locate a position for a cashier. Many unique people are able to work as cashiers, which is the reason why it is essential that your resume stands out. In addition, there are methods to quantify your cashier resume. If you get a close friend among the lead cashiers in your organization, you may also request help from them regarding the situations you want to arrange. Its possible you ought to present your projects experience in a variety of ways. Its true, you know lots of things about the provider already. Also, do be certain to mention particular benefits that your organization provides that others might not. Granted, specific specifics of the work description vary based on the sort of business. While My Perfect Application gives you the wording and terminology, it cant give you all of the details necessary to make your continue standout. Curriculum vitae web templates can change dependent on the work niche marketplace. Pick the appropriate information for your distinct cashier position from this extensive job description. Specific job advantages and eligibility requirements may change by location. For example, the ability to operate complex office equipment is transferable to an assortment of jobs. For example, you could attempt sending out a definite number of resumes each week. Communication and computer handling skills are also rather important in regards to cashier resume. The New Fuss About Cashier Duties Resume The skills section also tells what its possible to increase the company for a cashier and not what youve been doing so long. The extra skills section is a fantastic method to conclude your resume with some applicable skills. The skills ought to be modified slightly to ensure it is applicable for the particular job description. Relevant skills ought to be backed by further info in the resume. Whatever They Told You About Cashier Duties Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why Building a daily or weekly schedule could keep you on top of every step in the procedure to keep you moving forward. Communication skills are extremely essential for a person who speaks with customers. Providing expert customer service is also a vital portion of the job in most places. Be certain to include different skills also, like taking telephone reservations, customer support, and opening and closing registers. The New Angle On Cashier Duties Resume Just Released In a quick food establishment, cashiers are usually working at the front of the home and taking orders from customers standing in line. A cashier is usually required to count their cash drawer before and after a shift to make certain that it has the correct amount of money in comparison to daily sales records. She is one of the more important links between the client and the business. At the end of the work shift, she is responsible for bala ncing the money and check or leistungspunkt card receipts against the daily sales totals.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Dos and Donts of Digital Interviews
The Dos and Donts of Digital InterviewsAs atalent acquisition professional, your days revolve around assessing candidates. From reviewing resumes to interviewing job seekers, you have little time to do anything but consider who is best for open positions. Needless to say, it becomes overwhelming very quickly.While there are many hiring tools that claim to make hiring pros lives easier, they dont always stand up to the hype. Luckily, digital interviews are available to consistently simplify thehiring process. In fact, our 2018 Growth Hiring Trends report found that 31 percent of rapidly growing companies are looking to start using digital interviews this year.Digital interviews allowhiring pros to quickly and effectively assess candidates. But like any other talent acquisition tool, you need to understand how it works to make the most of its features. Here is what hiring experts have to say about the dos and donts of using digital interviewsDo find out if the interviewee is comfortabl e with tech.The person conducting the interview needs to keep in mind that this might be the first digital interview for the candidate. If its their first digital interview, the candidate could be mora nervous than usual. Especially if they really want the position. Ask candidates ahead of time if they feel comfortable with a digital interview. Offer a quick chat by phone to titelseite how the interview will take place and what he or she might expect. Hiring a person for your company is essentially welcoming them into your home. The better you are at putting the person at ease, the better guest you will likely have. Your potential hires should be treated the same way. Melissa Smith, Remote Work Consultant if the PVAIf a candidate hasnt conducted a digitialinterview before, walk them through the process.Click To TweetFun Fact Great digital interview providers, like ours ?? , offer 24/7 candidate support. This way, if your candidates have questions or concerns, they can talk with an e xpert about the platform. Having available support and candidate resources makes the interview process less stressful for you and job candidates.Dont go in unprepared.Whether digital or in-person, preparedness goes a long way to avoid errors. We expect those interviewing to be ready. It is only respectful to do the same. It doesnt matter if this is your tenth interview of the day. Prepare yourself to have the energy and excitement as if it was your first interview of the day. This will also ensure that you listen better, ask insightful follow-up questions, and are interested in the candidates. You wont hire everyone you interview. However, everyone you interview will remember the experience they had when interviewing with the company. It is essential that the interview process is a reflection of the organization. Melissa Smith, Remote Work Consultant if the PVADo spend more time building a connection.With a face-to-face interview, creating a connection is quicker. We may need to spe nd a little longer on the getting to know you questions in a digital interview. This helps all parties warm up and build some rapport before launching into the technical and behavioral portion of the interview.Jon Brodsky, Country Manager at finder.comWhen a candidate isnt right in front of you, ask more get to know you questions to put them at ease.Click To TweetDont interrupt.I also stress that all parties in a digital interview need to be careful not to interrupt. When in a face-to-face interview, it can be easier to see or sense when someone else is going to talk, but sound difficulties or a blocked view of a party can make this more challenging in a digital interview. Ensure the other person has finished before you jump in, and if you do accidentally cut in, acknowledge and apologize for the error.Jon Brodsky, Country Manager at finder.comDo focus on the words.It is more difficult to form opinions based on physical appearance, including body language and mannerisms, in a digita l interview, even if you use a webcam. One has to assess a candidate more on their actual responses, but this helps keep some unconscious biases in check.Addie Johnsen, Director of Global Talent Management at Aperian GlobalDont give in to distractions.In order to conduct a successful digital interview, its critical that you ensure you wont be distracted mute your emails, cell phone, and Slack notifications for the duration of the interview. Failing to do so, will result in your attention being diverted from the interview, regardless of whether its on a conscious or subconscious level. A half a second diversion could cause you to miss a subtle cue that would otherwise be a deciding factor.Mollie Moric, Career Advisor and Hiring Manager at Resume GeniusYes, digitalinterviews are great hiring tools. But dont give in to other distractions during the interview.Click To TweetWhat tips do you have for digital interviews? Let us know in the comments
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Top 10 Computer Science Jobs
Top 10 Computer Science JobsTop 10 Computer Science JobsMaybe you have always liked to solve problems or decipher codes. Perhaps you have a knack for learning new languages, or maybe you were intrigued enough about your computer to ripoffthe cover and tinker with the inner workings. If so, computer science might be an ideal career choice for you.Computer science majorsneed to thinkanalyticallyto devise systems and programs, but must also be detail-oriented enough to troubleshoot problems.They must be able to communicate withnon-technical people to assess their needs and convey technical information in plain language.Creativityis essential for those computer science majors who hope to come up with the latest app or technology gadget.Given the rapid rate of change within technology, computer science majors need to have a thirst for learning to keep up with the latest developments.Computer science majors also must be curious about the world around them since programs and systems are app lied to every possible area of life and commerce.Given the pervasiveness of computer technology in society today, there are many different job possibilities for the computer science major. The right job for you will depend on your personal skills, values, and interests. 01Software DeveloperSoftware developerscreate software programs that allow users to perform specific tasks on various devices, such as computers or mobile devices. They are responsible for the entire development, testing, and maintenance of software.Software developers must have the technical creativity required to solve problems uniquely. They need to be fluent in the computer languages that are used to write the code for programs.Communication skillsare vital for securing the necessary information and insight from end users about how the software is functioning.According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), software developers earnedazentralwert income of $103,560 in May 2017 and employment welches expected to grow by 24% from 2016 to 2026, much faster than average for all occupations.02Database AdministratorDatabase administratorsanalyze and evaluate the data needs of users. They develop and improve data resources to store and retrieve critical information.They need the problem-solving skills of the computer science major to correct any malfunctions in databases and to modify systems as the needs of users evolve.According to the BLS, database administrators earnedazentralwert income of $87,020 in May 2017 and employment was expected to grow by 11% from 2016 to 2026,whichisfaster than average.03Computer Hardware EngineerComputer hardware engineers are responsible for designing, developing, and testing computer components, such as circuit boards, routers, and memory devices.Computer hardware engineers need a combination of creativity and technical expertise. They must be avid learners who stay on top of emerging trends in the field to create hardware that can accommodate the latest program s and applications.Computer hardware engineers must have the perseveranceto perform comprehensive tests of systems, again and again, to ensure the hardware is functioning properly.According to the BLS, computer hardware engineers earned median income of $115,120 in May 2017 and employment was expected to grow by 5% from 2016 to 2026, about as fast as average.04Computer Systems AnalystComputer systems analystsassess an organizations computer systemsand recommend changes tohardware and software to enhance the companys efficiency.Because the job requires regular communication with managers and employees, computer systems analysts need to have stronginterpersonal skills. Systems analysts need to able to convince staff and management to adopt technology solutions that meet organizational needs.Also, systems analysts need the curiosity and thirst for continual learning to track trends in technology and research cutting-edge systems.Systems analysts also need geschftlicher umgang skills to know what is best for the entire organization. In fact, similar job titles are business analysts or business systems analysts.According to the BLS, computer systems analysts earned a median income of $88,270 in May 2017 and employment was expected to grow by 9% from 2016 to 2026, about as fast as average.05Computer Network ArchitectComputer network architects design, implement and maintain networkingand data communication systems, including local area networks, wide areanetworks, extranets, and intranets. They assess the needs of organizations for data sharing and communications.In addition, computer network architects evaluate the products and services available in the marketplace. Computer network architects test systems before implementation and resolve problems as they occur after the setup is in place.Computer network architects need to have the analytical skills to evaluate computer networks.According to the BLS, computer network architects earned a median income of $104,650 in May 2017 and employment was expected to grow by 6% from 2016 to 2026, about as fast as average.06Web DeveloperWeb developersassess the needs of users for information-based resources. They create the technical structure for websites and make surethat web pages are accessible and easily downloaded through a variety of browsers and interfaces.Web developers structure sites to maximize the number of page views and visitors through search engine optimization. They must have the communication ability and creativityto make sure the website meets its users needs.According to the BLS, web developers earned a median income of $67,990 in May 2017 and employment was expected to grow by 15% from 2016 to 2026, much faster than average.07Information Security AnalystInformation security analysts create systems to protect information networks and websites from cyber attacks and other security breaches. Their responsibilities also include researching trends in data security to anticipate problems and install systems to prevent issues before they occur.Security analysts also need strong problem-solving skills to investigate breaches, determine the causes, and modify or repair security systems.According to the BLS, information security analysts, earned a median income of $95,510 in May 2017 and employment was expected to grow by 28% from 2016 to 2026, much faster than average.08Computer and Information Research ScientistsComputerandinformation research scientists invent and design new approaches to computing technology and find innovative uses for existing technology. They study and solve complex problems in computing for business, science, medicine, and other fields.Computer and information research scientists write algorithms that are used to detect and analyze patterns in very large datasets. Some computer and information research scientists create the programs that control robots.According to the BLS, computer and information research scientists earned a median income of $ 114,520 in May 2017 and employment was expected to grow by 19% from 2016 to 2026, much faster than average.09Computer and Information Systems ManagersComputer and information systems managersanalyze a companys technology needs and oversee the implementation of appropriate data systems.They need to be able to evaluate software, hardware, networking, and other technology resources for purchase or development.Becausecomputer and information systems managers hire, train and supervise staff,interpersonal skills are vital in this role. They must bestrong leaderswho can communicate effectively with their staff.According to the BLS, computer and information systems managers earned a median income of $139,220 in May 2017 and employment was expected to grow by 12% from 2016 to 2026, faster than average.10IT Project ManagerProject managers in theIT sector coordinate the efforts of a team of programmers and analyststo complete projects.They alsoanalyze technical problems for their company or a client organization, proposing solutions and tips to enhance productivity.Problem-solving skills anda broad knowledge of technology and computer systems help computer science majorsexcel in this role. Strong communication skills are required to decipher the needs of users and convey technical specifications to developers.According to Payscale, project managers earn an average income of $86,126.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
These are the only 2-steps you need to avoid being average
These are the only 2-steps you need to avoid being averageThese are the only 2-steps you need to avoid being averageOkay, Im almost embarrassed as to how short this post is going to be.Here is the way to stop being averageDo something to the best of your abilityThen do a little bit moreAverage wealth? Save as much as you feel like saving. Then add 1%.Average health? Run as much as you feel like running. Then add 1 mile.Average intelligence? Read as much as you feel like reading. Then turn the page.Still feel average?Repeat this process. Then do it again.Then do it forever.This article was originally published on Medium.
Working in Federal, State or Local Government Differs
Working in Federal, State or Local Government DiffersWorking in Federal, State or Local Government DiffersIn many ways, government work is government work no matter where you do it. Government work can be performed on the federal, state or local level. Several facets distinguish the work among these levels, chief among them being scope, sovereignty, proximity, and types of jobs. Different Responsibilities The scope of a government is how much it can legitimately do within its authority. The scope of the federal government is defined by the U.S. Constitution. Federal workers deal with problems, issues, and laws impacting the entire nation such as national defense, border security, foreign affairs and workplace safety. The Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution delegates powers not expressly granted to the federal government to reside with the states or citizens themselves. State workers administer programs that impact state citizens, visitors to the state and those parties seeki ng to do business in the state. Local governments are created under the authority of states. Local workers perform functions pertaining only to their jurisdiction such as county road maintenance, library services, and garbage collection. Responses to natural or man-made disasters illustrate the scope of government. If one or two houses are on fire, the local government responds. If several hundred houses are on fire, a collection of local governments with state oversight respond. If a thousand square miles of land are on fire, the federal government will likely oversee response efforts. Sovereignty of Higher Levels of Government Higher levels of government are sovereign over lower levels of government. This means that, for example, a state cannot enact a law contrary to federal law. Likewise, a local government cannot violate state law. Workers at lower levels of government must operate within laws of their level and those of higher levels. Local government workers must ensure t heir actions comply with federal, state and local laws. State government workers operate within federal and state laws. Federal workers perform their duties within the confines of the U.S. Constitution and federal laws. Proximity to Citizens Local government workers live in the communities their work impacts. If a citizens garbage is not collected the trash truck driver, solid waste supervisor, public works director or city manager could live next door and could get an earful about it. Citizens can point to a career service manager or front-line employee to fix their problem. Citizens usually do not have this luxury for state and federal governments. At times they may be lucky to find a toll-free telephone number or e-mail address to contact. State workers who frequently interact with the public include state police officers, social workers, and drivers license office workers. With the exception of going to the local post office, the ordinary citizen does not have much contact w ith federal employees. Types of Jobs Any job you can do, you can almost always find a place in government to do it. Every organization needs someone to pay the bills. However, some jobs only exist in particular levels of government. For instance, firefighters are almost exclusive to local government. But if youre creative and think about what attracts you to the work, you can find a fit. Continuing with the firefighter example, you may discover that what attracts you to firefighting is your desire to save lives. So, if you want to save lives, you dont necessarily have to be a firefighter. You can join a branch of the military or work for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or your state police force.
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